For more information, please click on "View Listing on Realtor Website". Enjoy the best unobstructed view to Forest Ridge Park green space. Unique exterior design projects curb appeal separating this duplex from the cookie cutter designs of most duplex units. Larger windows gives these duplexes a fantastic view. Two car insulated garage. Unfinished basement. 90 degree rear door walk out to the finished raised deck. Walk out deck that boasts afternoon sunshine to sunset. Fully landscaped front and rear yards. Fully fenced back yard with access to the Park with a children playground. Larger stone paved patio in the back yard. The back yard gate allows access to public green space to enjoy activities that may require a larger amount of space. Beautifully maintained green grass to enjoy! Great to play football, soccer, lawn hockey, horseshoes, croquet, etc.
Anne Fry, 780-445-4534 at RE/MAX Excellence, 201, 5607 - 199 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6M 0M8